Uni Blues Football Club
powered by TidyHQFundraising
Tax Deductible Donations to Uni Blues
One of the best ways you can help the Uni Blues is by making a monetary donation to the Club via the University.
Donations can be of any size and donations of $2 or over received by 30 June will be tax-deductible in this financial year. Donate here.
Blue Bloods and Blues 25
Another means of supporting the club is by becoming a member of the Blue Bloods or the Blues 25.
Player Subs, Sponsorships & Memberships
In addition to player subs, Uni Blues offers a number of Sponsorship & Membership packages that allow you to take your passion for the Blues a step further.
Player Sponsorships are where individuals (or companies /businesses) can sponsor their favourite player for their subs and the individual receives some additional benefits.
Details of all player sponsorship packages and player memberships are outlined in the online shop.